
Daily sung services at Southwark Cathedral
The music department at Southwark Cathedral comprises boy choristers, girl choristers, and six professional lay clerks. They can be heard singing services most days of the week, with the conducting and playing shared between Ian Keatley (director of music), Simon (assistant director of music & sub-organist), and James Gough (assistant organist & music administrator).
To find out more information, including what music is being sung, view the monthly music list here.
Organ recitals at Southwark Cathedral
Every Monday at 1.20pm the Cathedral hosts an organ recital, given by Simon, James, and a number of guest recitalists from all over the world. Click here for more information.

Organ meditations at Southwark Cathedral
In addition to the regular Monday recitals, Simon and James give a selection of liturgical recitals throughout the year, often featuring spoken texts - Biblical or otherwise - and a waft of incense.

Simon's upcoming organ recitals
Thursday 30 May 1.05pm - St John's Smith Square
Click here for a full programme and information about attending
Monday 10 June 1.20pm - Southwark Cathedral
A special recital commemorating 100 years since the death of Théodore Dubois
Wednesday 19 June 1.15pm - Temple Church
Wednesday 3 July 1.15pm - Westminster Cathedral
Monday 15 July 1.20pm - Southwark Cathedral
Wednesday 31 July 1.10pm - Chingford Parish Church
Tuesday 27 August 1.15pm - Hereford Cathedral
Thursday 3 October 12.30pm - Christchurch Priory
Monday 14 October 1pm - St Michael's Cornhill

Other upcoming concerts
Saturday 25 May 7.30pm - Southwell Minster
Nottingham Harmonic Choir performs Carl Rütti's Requiem alongside the Vivaldi Gloria with conductor Richard Laing and Southern Sinfonia. More information here.
Saturday 15 June 7.30pm - Exeter College, Oxford
Thame Chamber Choir performs a programme of French choral music, including the Duruflé Requiem. More information can be found here.
Saturday 29 June 7.30pm - Bristol Beacon
Bristol Choral Society, Hannover Oratorienchor and the Bristol Ensemble perform Howells Hymnus Paradisi, Vaughan Williams Serenade to Music and Finzi Dies Natalis. Tickets are available here.
Saturday 6 July 7.30pm - Southwark Cathedral
The Merbecke Choir perform a programme of cat-related choral favourites, including Britten's Rejoice in the Lamb. More information here.

The Cathedral Singers of
Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford
Simon is also the Organist for the Cathedral Singers, the voluntary choir for Christ Church, which sings services when the Cathedral Choir is away. Typically this is during school holidays, and occasional one-off Evensongs during busier parts of the term. Their next session is May 28-June 2, with Evensong each day at 6.05pm, and Sunday Eucharist at 11.05am.